I Nominate My Bezzie | Daily Prompt: Person of the Year

Published June 13, 2013 by carlyjellis

You’re asked to nominate someone for TIME’s Person of the Year. Who would it be, and why?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us BIG

The person I would nominate for TIME’s Person of the Year is not famous and comes from my everyday life but to me he is the stand out person of the year and I don’t know what I would have done without him. He is of course my best friend and platonic soul mate, Matthew.

We have known each other for what seems like forever, lost touch for a number of years but have come back together bigger and stronger than ever before. We share laughter and tears, ups and downs. We support each other and are always there for each other with a listening ear or a glass of alcohol 🙂

Matthew has been a rock to me and has helped me through some difficult, emotional times, has been my shoulder to cry on when I needed it and has given me a kick up the backside when also needed. Just like a best friend should do.

You honestly could not wish to meet a more caring, considerate, thoughtful and fun gentleman to spend your time with. I am thankful everyday for having such a good friend like Matthew in my life & I hope to spend many more years as his partner in crime 🙂


P.S: When he reads this he will probably be sick!! hahaha



This post is in response to: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/06/13/daily-prompt-big/

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