
All posts tagged Positivity

Let Me Tell You A Story

Published March 5, 2014 by carlyjellis

Let me tell you a story
Of a love so pure and true
He smiled and her and said hello
She said instantly she knew

From that day their lives changed forever
A new chapter had begun
No more worries about the future
One day at a time with the rise of the sun

They spent most days together
Feeling they’d known each other all their lives
A comfortable feeling, a warm feeling
A feeling not clouded over with lies

They fell in love without question
Had never felt love like this before
She gave him everything he wanted
He gave her so much more

They made each other smile again
Their happiness could not be denied
Both had waited so many years
To find a love which made them feel truly alive

Are they still together you ask me
Of course they are, why wouldn’t they be
They were made for each other, meant to be together
And in case you were wondering, the girl is me

Man of Mine

Published November 10, 2013 by carlyjellis

This feels like a dream

This feeling inside

So happy to smile

Finally feeling alive


Never felt this way before

Never truly knew what love was

Never imagined you could fall

Never believed you and I would become us


You have lit up my life

In ways I can’t explain

You have become my confidant, my friend

My lover and my soul mate


I feel so lucky to have you

To be able to say that you are mine

I don’t know what made you choose me

Whatever the reason I will be thankful for the rest of my life


You complete my inner soul

You make me feel like I’m finally home

You protect me and love me and make me feel like I belong

So I dedicate this to you my one and only true love

Fear & Love

Published October 2, 2013 by carlyjellis

Afraid to give my heart

Afraid of being hurt

Afraid to trust the words spoken to me

Afraid of a man who’s changed my world


Scared of the past repeating

Scared of a broken heart

Scared that this all may be a dream

Scared that I won’t be enough


Maybe it’s time I took a leap of faith

Maybe this time he will be the one

Maybe he will save my soul and mend my heart

Maybe I may have found my true love



I need to start looking forward

I need to allow the past to die

I need to embrace the love in front of me

I need to trust the man by my side






Just Listening | Daily Prompt: Singin’ in the Rain

Published June 16, 2013 by carlyjellis

Safe inside, toasty warm, while water pitter-patters on the roof… describe your perfect, rainy afternoon.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us RAIN

The middle of November, a brisk north easterly wind is blowing and along with it comes the rain, big, fat raindrops hitting the windows of the house, hearing them bounce off the rooftop making their own melody. From the comfort found indoors we listen to the rain and wind. Another log is put on the fire and we can feel it’s warmth whilst curled up together on the sofa, a blanket wrapped around our bodies. The cups of hot chocolate sit on the table, the steam rising off them, too hot to drink just yet. We sit together simply talking about our hopes and our dreams, our wants and desires. No distractions, no interruptions, just the sound of the rain, the wind and the roaring fire. We kiss and we cuddle, enjoying the simplicity of a perfect rainy afternoon together.


This post is in response to: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/06/15/daily-prompt-rain/

I Nominate My Bezzie | Daily Prompt: Person of the Year

Published June 13, 2013 by carlyjellis

You’re asked to nominate someone for TIME’s Person of the Year. Who would it be, and why?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us BIG

The person I would nominate for TIME’s Person of the Year is not famous and comes from my everyday life but to me he is the stand out person of the year and I don’t know what I would have done without him. He is of course my best friend and platonic soul mate, Matthew.

We have known each other for what seems like forever, lost touch for a number of years but have come back together bigger and stronger than ever before. We share laughter and tears, ups and downs. We support each other and are always there for each other with a listening ear or a glass of alcohol 🙂

Matthew has been a rock to me and has helped me through some difficult, emotional times, has been my shoulder to cry on when I needed it and has given me a kick up the backside when also needed. Just like a best friend should do.

You honestly could not wish to meet a more caring, considerate, thoughtful and fun gentleman to spend your time with. I am thankful everyday for having such a good friend like Matthew in my life & I hope to spend many more years as his partner in crime 🙂


P.S: When he reads this he will probably be sick!! hahaha



This post is in response to: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/06/13/daily-prompt-big/


Published June 3, 2013 by carlyjellis

You are a beautiful sight to behold

A delicious beacon of summer days

A memory of childhood never forgotten

A taste which puts a smile on your face


You come in so many flavour’s

Each person has their favorite one

Some like it plain, some like it fancy

But for me there can be only one


You sit alone in a waffled cone

Sauce dripping down your swirled body

A chocolate flake completes the final stage

Of a treat that is oh so heavenly


So lets hear it for the ice cream

Oh more specifically a 99

For what in life could there possibly be

That is oh so tasty and oh so fine



Ice Cream with flake

Still Of The Night

Published June 3, 2013 by carlyjellis

In the still of the night

Whilst the world is asleep

She sits alone in the dark

With not a thought of counting sheep


The television is a distraction

A noise that breaks through the silence

But even that can’t stop the thoughts

Of which now make no sense


She checks her social media over and over again

In the hope of through the night she will find a friend

But nobody is around so she soldiers on alone

Oh how she doesn’t want to live her life completely on her own


Her mind comes alive on nights like this

Her thoughts consumed with so many whys and what if’s

Living in her present, remembering her past

Being hopeful for the future of finding a love that will last


No longer is she afraid of what others say or think of her

No longer a girl, no longer a child, no longer a quiet murmur

She has finally learned to love herself and accept the woman she is

A strong independent woman who like others battles with loneliness


The silence somehow is deafening as the night lingers on and on

She wishes for morning to break the darkness

So the birds wake up and sing their song


But whilst the still of the night remains here

Whilst the stars in the sky shine so bright

In the darkness she no longer feels fear

For a new day in her life is in sight



A New Beginning

Published May 27, 2013 by carlyjellis

The sun arises

A new day has begun

A new beginning of my life

No more regrets of what I could have done


I clearly see now what I am meant to do

How I can regain control and how I can pull through

Nothing will ever defeat me

No one will ever make me feel bad

I refuse to live the rest of my life

Feeling lonely, bitter and sad


I will become stronger and wiser

A new me has evolved

Risen from the ashes of past breakdowns

I no longer feel a prisoner, no longer alone


Yes a new beginning of my life has started

The first chapter is written and says

That whilst my past is always with me it will not dictate

The woman I have become now on from today